Q. What “Paradigm Wars” are you talking about?

A. The ones that are going on 24/7, that are still largely invisible to most people, and that are being carefully planned to extinguish the basic human freedoms that we take for granted.

Q. What kinds of topics do you focus on?

A. The unprecedented nature of the current struggle, the forces behind it, and how it’s playing out in various arenas, including: psy-ops, election fraud, immigration, biological warfare, Jew-hatred, transgenderism, the WEF and the globalist agenda.

Q. What do all these things have to do with one another?

A. Great question! Subscribe to Paradigm Wars (and read the book!) to better understand the nature of the many-headed Beast that’s slouching its way into our lives…

Subscribe to Paradigm Wars

Making the invisible visible to improve our chances on the battlefield... Essays that focus on current events, not to keep you up-to-date, but to help you better understand the nature of the games in progress...


Born in Munich - Grew up in Newark, NJ - Essayist & Travel Co. Owner - Ph.D Psych